The Magic Of Having Secret Hidden Doors In Your Home

Also known as ‘flush doors’, hidden doors  are a lovely original feature for any space. 

They can act as a secret portal to rooms where your valuables are stored. Hidden doors are great at concealing functional spaces, such as home offices or pantries. They’re also brilliant if you want to improve levels of privacy.

Alternatively, they can simply be a fun interior design feature.  As you’ll see from our gallery, you can use them in all kinds of idiosyncratic ways. 

Enhance the interior design scheme of your property. 

Secret doors are one of the best ways to make a room more interesting and appealing. They can be a part of a playful or mysterious atmosphere, making a space more fun, especially for children or guests.

If you often have visitors, they’re a fantastic conversation starter.  With our hidden door kits, you can easily use them to incorporate your sense of style into the design. They can also reduce the level of noise traveling through your home. Secret doors may offer a quieter environment when closed.

Choose our ultra-flush doors and you’ll have high quality but affordable systems. Our aluminum hidden door systems come with:

  • 3-way adjustable hinges
  • the latest European magnetic locks
  • FD30 doors
  • In other words, everything but the handle. 

If you’re considering having these types of doors fitted, it’s important you consider hiring an expert for a professional installation. This will ensure that the safety and functionality is first-class. 

Find out more about Rocket Door Frames or simply get in touch for more information.